I decided to start this blog for all my family members and friends so you can check up on me. Instead of me emailing you all my pics and updates, etc. you can click on this website and see what we have been up to. Hopefully it won't be too booorring. But then, life in this househould never is when you have Jared and Tessa around!!! If you know what I mean.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Grand Canyon

I told the kids that the Grand Canyon is one of The 7 wonders of the world. They told me We have 6 more to go!
These are pics that the kids took. Actually, Jared took them. Tessa I found out, is scared to death to go near the edge. She asked if she could walk on the grass which was on the other side of the sidewalk. She is a lot like me and scared of looking down. She didn't even want to sit on the wall to get her picture taken she was that scared.
Jared on the other hand, is not scared, and makes me scared that he will clumsily trip over his big feet whle he is in "Jared's world".

The last picture is of a "Wupatki pueblo" that was built and occupied in the 1100's.


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