I decided to start this blog for all my family members and friends so you can check up on me. Instead of me emailing you all my pics and updates, etc. you can click on this website and see what we have been up to. Hopefully it won't be too booorring. But then, life in this househould never is when you have Jared and Tessa around!!! If you know what I mean.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Tessa's 5th Birthday.

I know, you're thinking, wasn't that a while ago? Yes is was. April to be exact. You know how you wait till you have like 3 or 4 rolls of film before you send it in and you totally forget what is on them?
Well, I forgot what was on them.
Tessa had a "build a bear" party, but in true Tessa form she didn't build a bear, but a "monkey" who she named Roxy. No one can say that she isn't original. Or boring. Yep, that's Tessa with a "monkey on her back" - I mean- "monkey on her head".
One of the pictures is all her birthday friends. You know how you over invite thinking, "O.K" only 1/2 will show up". No, lucky me, everyone but one showed up. Oh well, it was a lot of fun.
And what's a party without a pinata?
I remember the one year Johnny put it in the garage the day before a party and when the kids cracked it open, ants were crawling all over the candy. You could hear a lot of "ewwwwsss!!!"
So Tip #1. Be sure to wait till just before the party to fill up the pinata with candy. Otherwise, ant candy.


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