I decided to start this blog for all my family members and friends so you can check up on me. Instead of me emailing you all my pics and updates, etc. you can click on this website and see what we have been up to. Hopefully it won't be too booorring. But then, life in this househould never is when you have Jared and Tessa around!!! If you know what I mean.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

More Tessa's Questions

As we were going to bed, I guess that is the time she most likely is to ponder lifes little mysteries, she said "Remember when me and Rachel were at Petsmart and we saw all those dead fish?" "Yeah" I said. There weren't that many. Just the usual few floating lifelessly at the top of an aquarium jammed with 300 squirming little fish. She said "When they die, do they get X's for eyes?"
As I'm trying not to laugh, I'm imagining Tom and Jerry cartoons where they are always full of violence, bonking heads, and yes dying and coming back to life, and they always have X's for eyes. "No" I said, "They don't get X's for eyes. They just close their eyes". I think she's a little worried about "Turkey" and oh what a sad day that will be.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Tessa's Comment of the Day!

As everyone knows Tessa is allergic to cats, dogs and pollen. She is forever sniffling, teary eyed and on allergy medicine.
So at night before she was going to bed I asked her, "How are you feeling? Are you breathing okay?", because I hadn't heard any sniffles. She said "Good". I said, "Probably because it's been raining". She told me, "Jared loves the rain!". And I told her, "well, the rain helps clear up all the air and pollen and that's probably why you haven't been sniffling". To which she replied, "Jared really does care about me!!.
On a side note, Tessa is shown with her share toy at school since she is "star of the week". She brought her "Dream Catcher" which of course is from Arizona. Her other share toy was 2 horseshoes she found at Ann's sister's house in Arizona. The kids thought that was really cool and wanted to touch them. It doesn't take much to impress kindergarteners.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Tessa is "Star of the Week" WooHOo!

Every kid in kindergarten gets to be "star of the week" and this week is "yours truly" Tessa. The kids get to bring in a share toy each day. Tessa brought in "Furby" and demonstrated his snoring techniques. Today she is bringing in "horseshoes" from Arizona, and I think next on her list is "state quarters". She'd like to bring in Turkey, but I think that could be a disaster in waiting. She also brought her poster in and she's got her crown on pointing to her poster and talking about it. For "Most favorite place to be" the kids usually have a picture of Disneyland. Tessa's is "Sedona Arizona" and her favorite food is "Filet-o-fish". For the picture of "me" she picked a photo of her and Jared. The funny thing is this. Yesterday was Valentines Day and the kids made bags with their names on it so we knew whose bag was whose, for the candy and valentines. Tessa didn't write her name on hers, but wrote "I love Jared". Aaaahhhh. Jared on the other hand doesn't believe it because he thinks she is always tormenting him.
On a side note, Tessa is shaking her booty at practice for the annual "variety show".

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Sweetheart Dance

We have an annual "Sweetheart Dance" up at the kids school. This is the first year Tessa got to go because now she's a student there, so she was extremely excited. She loved dancing with her friends and Dad as you can see. One picture is of her in her fancy dress (yes, on the dirty floor, oh well) and her best friend Rachel. Jared on the other hand, likes to run around with his friends, not dance, and be crazy.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Turkey tried to commit suicide!!

I don't know if you have ever heard a 5 yr. old girl screaming hysterically at the top of her lungs, but let me tell you. It's indecipherable. As I was brushing my teeth getting ready for bed at the end of the day, Tessa came running through our bedroom waving her arms and screaming some gibberish at the top of her lungs and I didn't understand a word she said. All I could think there blood?, did a finger get cut off?,was there a trip to the E.R. coming on? As she ran through our room and back out, Johnny translated to me that Turkey had jumped out of her fishbowl. So I ran in there and saw a lifeless little blue fish on the cold hard floor and thought the worst. Mind you, it jumped out and down about 3 feet to the floor which is about 10 stories in human ratio. So I tried scooping her up, and that's when she wiggled. I got her into the fishbowl and she came back to life. Tessa was horrified and crying that she thought Turkey was dead. All I got out of her was that she was testing the water by sticking her finger in it which she does everyday. I'm thinking poor Turkey was probably sleeping and when the finger came down startled her and she jumped right out. Good thing Johnny understands "Tessa's frantic crazy screaming lingo"! (This is as close as a reenactment picture I could get-She's a little too happy in this one)