Thursday, January 21, 2010
Halloween 09'
It's not easy taking a picture of moving target. Especially one who doesn't want to wear his costume.
Tessa was an Indian. Jared (you just have to refer to last year pics) was Michael Meyers and took off with his friends. If you remember he was SpongeBob for about 3 years so I expect he'll be Michael Meyers for another 3. Noodles was Peter Pan and believe it or not I got a little more use out of that costume. It happened to be a really icy cold morning and I didn't have anything for Noodles so I put his Halloween outfit on. Sans hat. When I was at the park this lady was asking me about his outfit and I had to explain it was his Halloween was the only thing I had. Poor Noodles running around the park with his outfit and sword. He must of been so embarrassed, but not to worry. For Christmas he got a black puffer jacket so he can be all that now and no more embarrassing least for now.
My 50th Birthday.
I think I was waiting to turn 100 before I started posting again. So I am catching up on photos today because this is a stormy, rainy, dark, blistery day and who wants to go outside. And these pics remind me of the warm, hot summer. Had my 50th...yep, I said it......birthday party here at the house in the backyard. Had a great time with so many good friends. Even the police came after midnight to tell us neighbors were complaining. Most of the neighbors were still at our house so I don't know what the problem was....wait....oh yeah....the "kravitz's" up the hill. Johnny says it's not a good party unless the police show up. When Johnny was telling him "Hey, it's my wife's 50th, etc. etc." I swear I heard the guy say "My condolences". Next big party is Johnny's 50th....hear that Johnny? It'll be here before you know it.
Yes, I know my eyes are closed but that was the only pic of me and Jennifer.
My good friend Colleen.
More good friends. Maureen, Monica, Jennifer, Shiela and Alicia.
Cheryl and Jeff, Jennifer and Gus, Sheila and Vince.
Peggy and Bas.