I decided to start this blog for all my family members and friends so you can check up on me. Instead of me emailing you all my pics and updates, etc. you can click on this website and see what we have been up to. Hopefully it won't be too booorring. But then, life in this househould never is when you have Jared and Tessa around!!! If you know what I mean.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Jared's Adventures with Captain Carl

I was just experimenting with icomic from "Uncle Todd" and the help of Tessa with the captions. Click on the photo to see it up close!!
The first picture Jared went to the "Natural History Museum" with the 3rd grade class. Jared looks excited, his friends look totally bored. The next pictures are of his classmates and Captain Carl brings the sealife to the classroom. Jared is more apprehensive about touching these little critters. However, Tessa told me she touched just about everything. I wish I could of been there for that. A bunch of kindergarteners squealing and screaming!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Worlds Greatest Invention

Jared wants to be an inventor when he grows up. So he invented me a laundry machine that folds laundry. Notice the arms that come out and fold it. The warning label on top says "Warning! Only does laundry! Any other toy or book or item will be fried, crushed and destroyed."
They go down a conveyor belt and the camera sensor triggers the mechanisms. There's a camera tracking device on the laundry. He said he's not sure how to build this, but I love the invention.
Now, can you build an invention that's sorts it out and puts it away in all the right drawers!!


Tessa as everyone knows is allergic to cats and dogs. So the other day as we were driving by Petsmart she said she wanted to go in. I'm like "What do you want?" She said "a fish". Well my friend down the street had 4 betta fighter fish on her island she wanted to get rid of. Being that she didn't have the heart to flush them down the toilet or throw them over the fence, her cats were slowly drinking the water out of them to dangerously low levels. So I thought I would take one off her hands. We went to get a little aquarium with colorful rocks. Tessa being the original person that she is, named her fish "Turkey". So if you hear us saying "did you feed Turkey yet?" "How is Turkey today?" etc.etc. we are talking about a little blue fish.