O.K. I'm backtracking here a little bit for my family. In November there was a program called "Reflections" where you can enter art, photography, literature or music. The title this year was "I Wonder Why"...
Now If you remember last year, Jared won for his literature entry titled "A different kind of Hero" and his was about Chico Mendes. A poor Brazillian farmer who died trying to save the rain forest.
Tessa had been to the school many times and seen Jared win his awards, etc. and could hardly wait to start so she could do all this stuff. So this year, Jared entered literature once again, and Tessa did photography. She took the digital camera to the back yard and didn't want to listen to me at all try to help her with the camera i.e. like how to zoom etc. It was Tessa "I know!!" in her typical bossy voice. So I let her take pictures and when she was done, I downloaded them to see what we got.
So I entered the two pictures that you see. The "pretty purple flowers" and the "artsy yellow swing". Johnny tried to convince me not to enter the "yellow swing" picture. He thought, "they won't get it , it's too artsy" etc.
Tessa was so excited just to go to the ceremony. I told her , "they call you up and you have to have your picture taken with the principle, Mrs. Von Beulow". She said" Oh, I've never touched her before". "I bet she's soft".
So when we got there, she found out she won!! Not for the "pretty purple flowers" but for the "I wonder why....the swing is empty". Someone from the art college judged it. Whew!!
So she was the first one called up and got her award and wasn't shy at all.
This was Tessa's first award ever and was so happy to get it.